
SumUp supports two kinds of authorization. One is via API keys allowing you to authorize on your behalf and access the SumUp API, as if you were logged in. This is the easiest approach and accommodates most use cases.

The other approach is via OAuth 2.0, which allows you to authorize as yourself or to request permission from other users to act on their behalf. This is useful for building applications that can be used by many users.

API keys

SumUp uses API keys to authenticate the API requests. You can create new keys in the API keys account page.

Secret API keys are short static tokens that are passed in the Authorization header to authenticate the requests.

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer sup_sk_XXX'

The tokens have a sup_sk_ prefix. Your API keys carry many permissions and have access to the whole SumUp API, so make sure to keep them secure.

All requests must be made over HTTPS and must be authenticated.

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an industry-standard authorization protocol that allows for control over an application’s scope, and authorization flows across multiple devices. OAuth 2.0 allows you to access API on behalf of other users after they grant you the permission.

SumUp supports two OAuth 2.0 authorization flows:

As with the API keys, the access token that you obtain after finishing the OAuth 2.0 flow is passed in the Authorization header.

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer at_classic_XXX'

Most of the popular programming languages have libraries that support OAuth 2.0 protocol. We highly recommend that you use one of the existing reputable implementations.

Authorization code flow

This flow enables applications to request permission from a SumUp merchant to act on their behalf. The requested scopes define what your application is allowed to do.

To initiate the flow, your application redirects a user to the SumUp authorization server with the request authorization endpoint.

curl --request GET \
  --url ' transactions.history user.profile_readonly&state=2cFCsY36y95lFHk4'

The request will trigger an authorization prompt describing which application is requesting authorization from the user.

Once the user accepts your authorization request, the authorization server redirects the user back to your application by using the registered URI you specified in the redirect_uri at the initial GET request. The response will return with additional parameters, such as code and state. The code parameter is mandatory for retrieving an access token.

This is an example of the response received after a successful authorization:

curl --request GET \
  --url ''

To retrieve your access token you must next make a request to the retrieve a token endpoint with a Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header, like so:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'grant_type=authorization_code'\
  -d 'client_id=fOcmczrYtYMJ7Li5GjMLLcUeC9dN'\
  -d 'client_secret=717bd571b54297494cd7a79b491e8f2c1da6189c4cc2d3481380e8366eef539c' \
  -d 'code=be366ce9fccd0c337d1da29b31d06dd1135ab95401562883'
$sumup = new \SumUp\SumUp([
    'app_id'     => 'fOcmczrYtYMJ7Li5GjMLLcUeC9dN',
    'app_secret' => '717bd571b54297494cd7a79b491e8f2c1da6189c4cc2d3481380e8366eef539c',
    'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
    'code'       => 'be366ce9fccd0c337d1da29b31d06dd1135ab95401562883'
$accessToken = $sumup->getAccessToken();
$value = $accessToken->getValue();

In a response you will receive access_token, refresh_token, token_type, and expires_in.

  "access_token": "565e2d19cef68203170ddadb952141326d14e03f4ccbd46daa079c26c910a864",
  "refresh_token": "d180031bfe9bac36c336e5746637810272546865e9c9586012f462a56f3fe9af",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600

The access_token can be used in the Authorization header with Bearer scheme to authorize calls to SumUp services. You can use the refresh_token to get a new access_token when it expires without the user’s interaction (see Refresh token flow below).

Refresh token flow

To refresh the access token send a request to the retrieve a token endpoint with the refresh token you've received when completing the Authorization code flow. Access tokens can expire for many reasons, such as if the user changes their password or revokes the app access.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'grant_type=refresh_token'\
  -d 'client_id=fOcmczrYtYMJ7Li5GjMLLcUeC9dN'\
  -d 'client_secret=717bd571b54297494cd7a79b491e8f2c1da6189c4cc2d3481380e8366eef539c' \
  -d 'refresh_token=d180031bfe9bac36c336e5746637810272546865e9c9586012f462a56f3fe9af'
$sumup = new \SumUp\SumUp([
    'app_id'        => 'fOcmczrYtYMJ7Li5GjMLLcUeC9dN',
    'app_secret'    => '717bd571b54297494cd7a79b491e8f2c1da6189c4cc2d3481380e8366eef539c',
    'refresh_token' => 'd180031bfe9bac36c336e5746637810272546865e9c9586012f462a56f3fe9af'
// you need to call the method `refreshToken()` to get a new access token
$refreshedAccessToken = $sumup->refreshToken();
$value = $refreshedAccessToken->getValue();

A sample response to the above request would look like this:

  "access_token": "565e2d19cef68203170ddadb952141326d14e03f4ccbd46daa079c26c910a864",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "d180031bfe9bac36c336e5746637810272546865e9c9586012f462a56f3fe9af"

In a response you will receive new access_token that is valid for expires_in seconds and a new refresh_token. Make sure to store the new refresh_token for successive refreshes.

Authorization scopes

Authorization scopes define what an application intends to do on a merchant's behalf. A required set of scopes may be passed as a space-separated list in authorization request. When scopes are omitted, the default are granted. If additional scopes are required, a new access_token has to be collected via the Authorization code flow.

Scope nameDefaultAccess LevelDescription
transactions.historyyesmerchantAllows you to view the transactions and transaction history for a specific merchant user's account. you to view and modify the SumUp mobile application settings for a specific merchant user's account.
user.profile_readonlyyesmerchantAllows you to view the profile details for a specific merchant user's account.
user.profilenomerchantAllows you to modify the profile details of a specific merchant user's account.
user.subaccountsnomerchantAllows you to view and modify the profile details of a subaccount created for a specific merchant user's account. Subaccounts are user accounts for employees of a merchant and can be granted different permissions by the holder of the main merchant user's account.
user.payout-settingsnomerchantAllows you to view and modify the payout settings for a specific merchant user's account.
productsnomerchantAllows you to view and modify the product store for a specific merchant user's account. This includes the products, shelves, prices, and VAT rates available in the merchant's product store.
restricted paymentsnofeatureAllows you to make payments by creating and processing payment checkouts.
restricted payment_instrumentsnofeatureAllows you to save customers and tokenize their payment cards for a specific merchant user's account.

Restricted scopes must be enabled by SumUp for your application. To do that, contact us.

Client Credentials flow

In the Client credentials flow, your application requests an access token without requesting authorization from a merchant user. As a result, when you use this flow, your application is not authorized to access any data that is associated with a merchant user's account, such as transactions or saved customers and tokenized payment cards. In other words, you can only process payments for merchant accounts with an access token obtained via this grant flow.

To request an access token for this flow you need to make a request to the retrieve a token endpoint.

Following is a sample request for obtaining a new access token for the Sample App application with your client credentials. In this sample, the client credentials are passed as request parameters.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'grant_type=client_credentials'\
  -d 'client_id=fOcmczrYtYMJ7Li5GjMLLcUeC9dN'\
  -d 'client_secret=717bd571b54297494cd7a79b491e8f2c1da6189c4cc2d3481380e8366eef539c'
$sumup = new \SumUp\SumUp([
    'app_id'     => 'fOcmczrYtYMJ7Li5GjMLLcUeC9dN',
    'app_secret' => '717bd571b54297494cd7a79b491e8f2c1da6189c4cc2d3481380e8366eef539c',
    'grant_type' => 'client_credentials'
$accessToken = $sumup->getAccessToken();
$value = $accessToken->getValue();

A sample response to the above request would look like this:

  "access_token": "ae925074d2b826fbb505c84ebff8e409311a2d8bd211003210926d62a8ff",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600